Friday, February 15, 2013

Artist i love!

Jenny Mendes is an amazing artist that just makes me smile!

My recent purchase!!!

Decorative Cup - Good Morningthe details on my little cup is amazing! Her website is

Pinned Image Pinned Image 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love is in the air...

Sending my love...

Great way to say i still love you!

I love this idea of printing images of you and your special someone---hang them from red/pink/white balloons over the bed.... some rose petals... sweeeet.  see more.. everyday art


Valentine Treat ideas...

IMG_0346  Gingerbread Hearts cookies & milk, valentine cookie treat, valentine's day
how-to                                                           nothing says love you like cookies & milk

love love love

Having love in your life is good fortune !
Pinned Image    Bleeding heart terrarium...


little like banksy

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Love of balloons!

Up, Up & Away!
I LOVE BALLOONS! How fun for a party to do pictures of your friends and family! 

Just for fun!  How to here... get a rise out of your friends...

The Obsession with Downton Abbey

The whole world seems to have taken note of the Masterpiece series Downton Abbey... it is refreshing to see a good clean series get such great recognition!  DOn't know about you but i stand in disbelief of the overwhelming popularity of Reality shows... i don't understand why people want to watch groups of nasty people living in crazy situations and fighting all the time! I for one find Downton Abbey a beautiful show and it doesn't raise my blood pressure!!!

There are some important, and amusing, beauty lessons to be learned from the show, as discovered by Sharon of Daily Glow:

  1. Your complexion always looks better in candlelight.
  2. For an instant anti-aging trick, stand next to someone who's at least 30 years your senior.
  3. Don't underestimate the power of a red lip.
  4. You'll never have a bad hair day if you stick to braids and updos.
  5. When in doubt, wear a hat.
DowntonAbbeyCastle DowntonAbbeyBeautySecrets

Friday, January 18, 2013

Artist of the Week! Maggie Taylor- and missing yellow during winter

Artist of the Week... Maggie Taylor

Using old vintage tintypes and photoshop Maggie Taylor takes you into the realm of her dreamlike surreal world... See more of her work at her website

Cloud Sisters!

Birthday Boy!
No Ordinary Days

Winter blahs... the sun has been missing for days-- it was so wonderful to see it this morning and reminded me how much i love yellow... how comforting the sun is.

sunshine in my day


handpainted pillow


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spruce up winter blahs!!! Color dahlin...

Make some colorful ice cubes to flavor your water or brighten your drink!  Plus you can use up some of those veggies and fruits before they go bad!!!

- cucumbers and basil
- fig and rosemary
- lime and mint
- lemon and honey
- raspberries and blackberries

and whatever other yummy ideas you come up with!

 - Tools: ice cube trays! (we used these Tovolo ones that make perfect cubes)

how to


Beautiful, Colorful landscapes by Chicago artist Joe Smigielski~  to brighten even the most grey of days!


artist site

Monday, January 14, 2013

You Belong...

You Belong!
Post image for Monday Quote: Among The Wildflowers
Wishing you to bloom among the wildflowers :)

Gorgeous Jewelry to remind you of your beautiful spirit!
What a simple and cool way to display your favorite jewelry pieces...

Cleanse your home... burn some sage while praying for positive energy and telling bad energy it is not welcomed in your home... Smudging is an old tradition used around the world in various cultures and religions for cleansing.
Blessings to you and your home!

and remember... it's okay to play with your food!



alexander crispin